For Guaraetá to receive quality certifications, it is necessary to hire a legally qualified body in accordance with international legislation. An initial audit is carried out to assess whether the company has complied with all the requirements of the standard and only then will it receive certification. Once certified, the company is periodically audited by the body in question, which verifies that the standard is being complied with. By proving permanent compliance with the standard and product traceability, certification is maintained.
Forests for all forever
The "Forest Stewardship Council," commonly known as FSC®, is an endorsement given to wood and paper products originating from sustainably and responsibly managed forests. FSC® is an independent international organization that advocates for responsible forest management worldwide. Its primary goal is to ensure that forest products are produced in an environmentally sound, socially beneficial, and economically viable manner.


UK Conformity Assessed
The UKCA (United Kingdom Conformity Assessment) is used in the United Kingdom to ensure that products traded in the market meet the safety, health, and environmental requirements established by post-Brexit British regulations. It is applied to a wide range of products, including industrial goods, electronics, construction materials, medical devices, toys, chemicals, and many others.
CE 4
European Standard (EN) 13986
European Community certification of plywood whose products covered are intended for use in civil construction in a non-structural manner. These products have high bonding durability, low formaldehyde emission and deterioration resistance.
Upon fully complying with the requirements of the standard, the company issues a Self-Declaration attesting that its products comply with the aforementioned standard and can then market with the CE 4 stamp.

CE 2+
Conformité Européene 2+
CE2+ é uma classificação que indica um elevado nível de qualidade e desempenho na categoria de materiais de construção. "CE" Representa "Conformité Européene", que significa Conformidade Europeia. O símbolo "+" indica um nível de desempenho além da classificação básica CE2. O CE2+ indica que o painel à base de madeira possui qualidade, resistência e é adequado para uso em aplicações onde durabilidade e integridade estrutural são cruciais.

California Air Resources Board
With the CARB certification, furniture manufacturers will be able to trade with countries that require the certification, expanding their businesses and the presence of their brands outside of Brazil. The ISO 14001 specifies the requirements for implementing an environmental management system in the development of their activities.
norma americana

With the PS1-19 certification (American Standard for plywood production), we meet all the criteria of the North American market, thus ensuring higher quality and strength in structural SHEATING plywood.